Daring Damsels, Women Who Fought For Ireland
The Women Who Changed History in Ireland
The women of Ireland are the most self-convinced, adaptable, determined and brave people on God’s green earth and their history proves it. Though they did not have yet the right to vote or hold political office, women who lived in and around Dublin invented their own political groups and there was no stopping their enthusiasm or how they would change Ireland. To learn who ten of the strongest and bravest women of 1916 were Subscribeand get a FREE Report. Ten Irish Heroines of 1916, The Women of the Rising
In 1913, Cumann na mBan (translated as Women’s League) was a strictly female organization meant to be a compliment to the Irish Volunteers.
The purpose of Cumann na mBan was to advance Irish Liberty through the use of force by arms against the crowned forces if need be.
They were stationed all throughout Dublin during the1916 Easter Rebellion along with the Irish Republican Brotherhood and the Irish Volunteers.
Winifred Carney showed up to the General Post Office with a revolver and a typewriter
Physical fighting was not always what was needed in Ireland In 1882 The Ladies Land League was created when it was thought the government of Ireland planned to arrest the men of the Land League. Over 3000 cases of relief were given to evicted tenants in the form of food, housing ,and legal fees.
Two years before the 1913 Lockout in Dublin, the Irish Women’s Workers Union was formed in Ireland.
They played a large part in the 1913 Lockout When the manager of Jacob’s Biscuit Factory in Dublin insisted three women remove their Union badges, it lead to over 1,1000 women losing their jobs. These women were further supported by the men. Also a soup kitchen was begun in Liberty Hall started by Constance Markievicz, and others.
In 1874, the Dublin Women’s Suffragist Association worked toward the rights of women and children all over Ireland. It changed its name slightly over time, when women were allowed to be Poor Law Guardians, advocating for widows and children, healthcare l and safe housing, giving the Poor of Ireland hope where previously there was none.
Combined with the power of the written word, many of these organizations were in effect during a time of tremendous turmoil in Ireland, specifically Dublin, giving women a decisive power to affect political change in Ireland forever.
To learn about 10 of these extraordinary women, their personal details, amazing accomplishments and fascinating history, subscribe on my home page, receive a Free Report: Ten Irish Heroines of 1916, The Women of the Rising (Just click on the home page and look the right) This report will be delivered soon to your email so watch for it.
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