About Brighid O’Sullivan
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About Brighid O’Sullivan

I grew up hearing Irish folk tales from my father in Western Massachusetts. I’ve been writing since I was a child; as an adult, I’ve written for History Magazine, History Channel magazine, my local paper, and my debut novel, The Sun Palace has recently been published as an E-book on Amazon.com and Smashwords. I find great joy in Ireland but Ireland is much more than that for me! I am grateful for the country I live in, America, for if my great-grandparents had never emigrated here I would not have had the freedoms and opportunities that are so prevalent and available to me. I find great pride in the connection between Irish and American history and love to support Irish or American history buffs as well as historical novelists from any era.  I welcome you to subscribe to this blog @kmp.4a5.myftpupload.com or better yet, to guest-post to it.  You can also find me on twitter under the name BrighidBrighid, my Pinterest site http://pinterest.com/celticthoughts/ where I post pictures of Ireland and tales  from my latest book or email me at celticbrighid@gmail.com